If you are trying to contact a particular contributor, you may use this same e-mail address and type the contributor's name in the subject box. The email will be forwarded to that contributor.
Guest Posts
During Creative Freedom Weeks (see schedule for details), on some Saturdays, or if one of our contributors is unable to post, we have the opportunity to feature guest posts on our blog. If you would like one of your creative project posts from your blog to be featured on This & That Creative, please send your post in HTML form (by selecting the Edit HTML tab next to the Compose tab while you are editing your post) in an email to This is the easiest way for us to make sure your post looks as close as possible to your original post.
If you do not have your own blog, but would still like to give us content for a post, please email us what you would like on the post in the layout you want it in. Make sure that when you send attachments/pictures that you reference where you want them in your post. This way is doable but not as convenient as your post being sent in HTML as mentioned above.
We cannot guarantee that your post will be featured, but if it is selected, you will receive an email in reply telling you when it will be featured.
If you have been a guest on our blog, feel free to grab our button to share that you were featured!

Other Options
September 1st, 2010 was our first post and we are just starting out, but we already get about 600+ views a day and we expect that this number will grow. If you are interested in spreading the word about your small business, etsy shop, your own blog, etc., you can guest post as mentioned above or do any of the following to help spread the word. You can help us, and we can help you! Contact us if you are interested by emailing to
1. Logo Spots
150x150 ad
For 30 days: Free (subject to change)
2. Product Reviews
You are more than welcome to have
one or more of the contributors of
This & That Creative review
or use your product in a project featured in
a post if we feel that it correlates within the
This & That Creative review
or use your product in a project featured in
a post if we feel that it correlates within the
themes of This & That Creative.
3. Giveaways
To host a giveaway on This & That Creative
is free (subject to change).
is free (subject to change).
The item you are giving away needs to exceed
$25 in value and include shipping to the